Join us for church Saturday 6:15pm or Sunday 10:30am / 12:15pm 

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Loving all people into a growing relationship with Jesus

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Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum dolor. Lorem ipsum dolor.

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Our mission

Our mission is to love all people into a growing relationship with Jesus. Whether you’re looking for a fresh start, second chance, or a community of faith to set down roots, we’re a great church for you! 

God’s love is for everyone.

We are a church of the second chance. We don’t turn anyone away. No matter what you’ve done or how many times you’ve done it, if you are ready for a clean start, you’ll find it at Miami Vineyard.

We’re better together.

We need each other to become everything that God created us to be. So we celebrate and embrace our diversity, believing that all of us – men and women, young and old, all races and cultures – become stronger as we come together.

Always growing.

God accepts us just as we are, but He loves us too much to leave us that way. So, as we trust Him with our future, He transforms us, day-by-day, from people focused on what we want to people focused on what He wants.

Crazy generous.

We can’t follow God’s example of love without giving
sacrificially. So we generously give our time, our talents, and our treasure to the mission of loving all people into a growing relationship with Jesus, believing that the more we give, the more we shine the light of God’s love to the world.