Kevin Fischer

Lead Pastor

[email protected]

Pastor Kevin leads an amazing team of people with an uplifting message about God’s love that everyone can understand. After over three decades of serving at Miami Vineyard, Kevin believes more than ever in a God who can do anything.

His passion remains seeing lives changed by the power of God and encouraging people to become everything God created them to be.

Kevin and his wife, Debbie, connected with the Vineyard in 1986 shortly after moving to South Florida from the mid-west. After several years of teaching middle school, Kevin took over as Senior Pastor of the Miami Vineyard in 1993 and started a journey that saw the church grow from 200 people to more than 2,000 people. Today Kevin and Deb are parents to five children – Michael, Joy, Carol, Sarah and Joshua – and enjoy golfing, tracking hurricanes, and cheering for the Green Bay Packers.

Paul Baldwin

Executive Pastor

[email protected]

Debbie Fischer

Weekend Experience Pastor

[email protected]

Nick Hage

Next Steps Pastor

[email protected]

Anyi Perez

Guest Experience & Care Pastor

[email protected]

Omar Perez

Outreach & Global Missions Pastor

[email protected]

Kathy Sosa

Vineyard Kids Pastor

[email protected]

Debora Perry

Worship & Environments Director

[email protected]