Serve teams are made up of incredible people who have discovered their gifts & passions and are serving others through them. 

From creating a welcoming environment in Guest Experience to leading the next generation in Vineyard Kids or Youth to being the best friend our city has ever had through Outreach all of our teams help to fulfill our mission of loving all people into a growing relationship with Jesus.

To get started, check out the areas below and fill out the interest form below and a ministry leader will get in touch with you. 


Guest Experience Team

Creates a welcoming environment throughout the entirety of weekend services. This team includes Greeters, Guest Services, and Ushers.

Online Host Team

Serves and connects with online attenders in a live chat environment by welcoming them, helping them take next steps, and praying for them.

Sound Team

Uses technology to enhance the ministry of communicators, vocalists, and musicians by ensuring volume and balance for all sound variables.

Photography Team

Captures significants moments and experiences before, during, and after weekend services.

Production Team

Provides the lighting, camera shots, and overall digital support for in-person and online weekend services.

Worship Team

Facilitates a powerful, on-stage worship experience through utilizing the skills of vocalists and musicians.

Vineyard Kids Team

Invests in the lives of children (infants-5th grade) by cultivating a passion for God through games, Bible teaching, worship, small groups, and fun.

Vineyard Youth Team

Helps middle & high schoolers get connected through Network Nights, Small Groups, weekend services, and serving.

Merch Team

Creates a friendly, organized, and fun environment for people as they browse through and purchase Vineyard Merch. (Merch Team is seasonal.)

Safety Team

Works together to ensure that our weekends are a safe and secure experience for all that are attending a service.

Connect Tent Team

Creates a friendly, welcoming environment at our Courtyard entrances for first-timers to connect.

Spanish Translation Team

Translates weekend messages from English to Spanish simultaneously during service for our Spanish-speaking attenders.

Stage Crew Team

Helps with setting stage up, and assisting the worship sound and production team during service.

Parking Team

Helps create a hospitable environment by assisting attenders with parking and transportation to and from weekend services.


Outreach Team

Serves our community through local partnerships and initiatives, aiming to be the best friend this city ever had. We serve various groups of people to make a difference.

Small Groups Team

Facilitates, hosts, and leads Small Groups by creating environments where people can experience community and grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Growth Track Team

Greets Growth Track attenders and provides materials and assistance to those discovering their next steps at Miami Vineyard.

Vineyard Care Team

Assists in serving our Miami Vineyard family through prayer, biblical counseling, and emotional support.

Social Media Team

Creates content and connects with our vFam on platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and YouTube.

Creative Team

Communicates our vision and values in various projects through video editing and graphic design.

I.T. Team

Maintains technological excellence in our ministry spaces, ensuring that equipment runs smoothly to best serve our people.

Office Support Team

Supports our Miami Vineyard teams during the midweek with phone calls, computer skills, data entry, office admin set up, and attention to details.

Facilities Team

Works behind the scenes to maintain our facility and support every area of our church, including weekends, midweek events, and special events.

To get started, fill out the interest form below and a team leader will get in touch with you.